

At last, an app that allows an entire team to collaborate, in real time, on a single list of walkie talkies and who has been assigned each number. Welcome to Radio Check.

This app has been designed specifically for use by teams working in Film, Television and Live Events.

Project set-up page from Radio Check app.  Showing Whether job will be a TV Commercial, Film, Drama, Nusic promo or Live event and also who the production company is.

Create your project and invite other app users to collaborate in real time.

Picture from Radio Check app showing the users current projects page

Start and manage or your own projects ahead of time and receive invites from other app users for projects they’ve created.

Picture from Radio Check App showing an open job with RSA London and the list of Walkie Talkies with the assigned Crew members

The generated job list can be easily filled with quick tap icons to check in or add extra kit.

Picture from Radio Check App showing a job with RSA London and list of the Walkie Talkies with the assigned crew members

Once a day is completed, un-returned radios auto-fill the following day while returned radios have a quick add option to re-issue to the same crew member as the previous day.

Picture from the Radio Check App showing a page for assigning a walkie talkie.  The example shows the Radio being assigned to a 1st AD called James.

Every radio entry can be amended at any time by any of the invited app users. There’s also an activity log to help track which user made any changes.

Download the app and get started.